Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Who Deserves Last Laugh Over Anchor S Blooper Clip?

Boston TV anchor Jonathan Elias thinks it's time we know the real story behind that Hall of Fame TV Blooper from his WCCO-TV days.
Elias claims it was all the fault of meteorologist Rebecca Kolls, who graciously describes herself as a multimedia maven who doesn't lie. She vigorously disputes the version of reality I got from Elias and WCCO anchor Don Shelby, who kind of blames Rebecca -- although Jonathan says Don had a role in it.
A few years ago, Elias was reading a serious news story that included footage of a man with large pecs that looked like breasts, aka moobs. Elias descended into giggles. That clip was replayed at the 2008 Upper Midwest Emmy Awards during the annual blooper reel. You can see it, apologies about the sound quality, at startribune.com/video. Elias' colleagues at Boston's WBZ-TV tipped off Jonathan that his blooper was subject of new chatter in Minnesota.
You know it's funny, Elias told me. When people ask you about screw-ups in your career, I've probably got about five. This one is definitely one on the list.
But there's a back story, Elias said. Rebecca Kolls and simple digital camera Don Shelby were both laughing out loud and wide angle camera doing things to bust me up. It was so funny. Rebecca, who could make a sailor blush, walked by when she heard that story and then saw the video. ... Off camera Rebecca is making an obscene gesture, laughing her butt off. Shelby slaps his knee, laughing but not laughing. I'm thinking, 'I'm not going to hold it together.' It worked.
Shelby told me: There is no question I was laughing out loud very loud, but I was laughing at Rebecca. I didn't even see what was on television. I was not in the vicinity of Jonathan, slim camera but Rebecca was breaking upthe louder she laughed, the louder I laughed. Therefore, it's all her fault! But yesI contributed to it.

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