Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Kanye West Calls Pap Incident Self-Defense

Kanye West has responded to claims that he attacked a 'thirsty' paparazzo in England on Friday. In a lengthy post on his blog Saturday, 'Ye explains his side of the story saying, 'I put my hand up to the camera in self-defense.'

The Chi-Town rapper also calls for a law that requires someone to get permission before taking a photograph. Celebrity pictures taken with the intent to sell should be illegal in West's opinion. 'I am protecting my personal space since there are no laws to protect that for me,' he writes.
He admits to being placed in handcuffs and driven to the police station in Newcastle, on board camera England. The officers who arrested him were just following procedure even though they reportedly believed this to be a 'publicity stunt' staged by the photographer.
West doesn't dislike all photographers though. 'Paparazzi give real photographers a bad name. A picture is worth a thousand words, theirs are worth a thousand dollars.' He ends by asking, simple digital camera 'Who's winning, me or the media?'
Read his response in its entirety here.
This entry was posted on Saturday, November 15th, 2008 at 2:02 pmis filed under Kanye West. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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