Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hooked By Twilight Film

1. Didn't you provide the screenwriter and producers with a list of rules when it came to turning your books into a movie?
The book was optioned by another film company not so long ago, and the changes they wanted to make were shocking. It was really just some vampire movie. Their option ran out and, when Summit wanted the option, I said, 'I'm not sure I even want to do a movie.' They said, 'Stephenie, give us a list of what you want.' So I wrote out my list: no fangs, no coffins, my vampires must sparkle when they go out in the sunlight, no one dies who doesn't die in the book, characters exist in present form. But Catherine [Hardwicke] as a director was fantastic. We were on the same page from the beginning.
2. How did you create these characters?
It started on June 2, 2003. I had this awesome dream that was very coherent. I never dream about vampires, but these characters were in my dream. I was so wrapped up in the idea of what would happen next. Would Edward kill Bella? It was always 50-50 each way in my dream. Then when I woke up, I just began writing. I had never written anything before in my life and had three little boys, which was the fullest full-time job. But it felt so good to be creative. Then I had the easiest publishing experience ever. I sent out 15 queries to agents and usb pc camera zs0211 got nine rejections, many no answers and samsung video camera one agent said yes. One month later I had a three-book deal.
3. What was it like seeing the film for the first time?
It was a funny experience. Overwhelming. I was braced for it and worried, simple digital camera 'What if it is really horrible?' I had my notepad with me because they wanted notes. But from the first scene I was hooked. Kristen [Stewart] became Bella. Robert was Edward. It was a dream seeing them on screen.
4.Don't you have a cameo in the film?
I went to the set a few timesthey talked me into it. It's a Where's Waldo moment. In the diner scene, there is a woman at a counter. For some reason the camera focuses on her. Wellthat's me.
5. Is the Twilight series really over?
It's done for now. But I can't promise I won't get lonely for the Cullens.
Cindy Pearlman

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