Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wandering And Wondering: Dec. 3, 2008

'The City of Pacifica lost exactly one cent in the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy that cost other San Mateo County agencies millions of dollars. According to County Tax Collector Lee Buffington's office, Pacifica withdrew from the investment pool years ago and had a small residual balance that resulted in the minuscule charge. The North Coast County Water District also had a small loss totaling $21.43 from two accounts in the county's investment pool.' (Lionel Emde,
'Pacifica! Veggie Supreme. It looks email: or call 415-663-8590 x207. Creekwalks take place in the Lagunitas Creek watershed, West Marin County. The cost is $10 for adults, $4 for kids, FREE to SPAWN members ($35 for a family membership), and no one is ever turned away for lack of funds. Tours will proceed rain or shine! Bring binoculars, camera, hiking boots, and rain gear if wet weather. Endangered coho salmon spawn throughout the Lagunitas Creek watershed in West Marin County. Lagunitas Creek has the largest population of endangered wild coho left in California. Salmon Protection and Watershed Network (SPAWN) works to protect the coho salmon of Marin through habitat restoration, research and monitoring, environmental advocacy, and public education.
Saturday, December 6, from 12 noon to 4 p.m. Shelldance Orchid Gardens presents Artists in the Holiday Garden. No entrance fee. Featuring four amazing women artists, a Natasha Foucault fashion show, shimmering floral displays, and live music. This should be lots of fun! Tasty hors d'oeuvres and good mellow wines - a festive way to view and buy arts and crafts for personal enjoyment or holiday gift giving! Receive an orchid with each purchase over $150. Bring friends and camera holder family for an enchanting, uniquely entertaining afternoon of great art, flowers, fashion, and music. Easy parking and a sweeping view of the ocean: 2000 Coast Highway 1 in Pacifica. Phone: 650-355-4845. (Summer Rhodes,
Pacifica Gardens local native plant sale, Sunday, December 7, from 12 noon to 4 p.m. All proceeds go directly to Pacifica Gardens, a nonprofit urban agriculture project working in the community and schools. Behind Linda Mar Education Center (formerly Linda Mar Elementary School) at 830 Rosita Road next to Shamrock Ranch. Come see our abandoned soccer field transformed into community gardens: a 30,000-square-foot urban agricultural project with biointensive food gardens, permaculture food forest, native plants, culinary and medicinal herbs, fruit tree mini-orchard, and digital camera macro large-scale composting. If you missed the CNPS native plant sale, this is your opportunity to diversify your garden with local (San Francisco, Pacifica) native plants. We expect to have approximately 800 plants for sale, including hummingbird sage (Salvia spathacea), California fescue (Festuca californica), twinberry (Lonicera involucrata), phacelia (Phacelia californica), and door camera flowering currant (Ribes sanguineum), to name just a few. Take Linda Mar Boulevard east from Highway 1. At the second stoplight (Peralta), turn right and go about five blocks to the end of Peralta. Then, instead of going straight up into Shamrock, turn left on Rosita and turn right into the parking lot behind the education center. For more information, please contact Jon Campo at
'The Pacifica Tribune, repeating data from the county election office, stated that the top two vote-getters in the City Council election received 30.38 percent and 23.47 percent of the votes, respectively. This implies that overwhelming majorities voted for neither candidate. But the data are being presented in a misleading manner, because voters were permitted to vote for up to two candidates. As an example, suppose there were only two candidates, and everyone voted for both. Each candidate would have received every vote he/she could possibly have received, but the county election office would report that each candidate received only 50 percent of the votes. But it is possible to provide more realistic numbers: 15,670 ballots were turned in, and a total of 23,635 votes were cast. If everyone who turned in a ballot voted for two council candidates, 31,340 votes would have been cast, so we know not everyone voted for two candidates. But we cannot know how many voted for one or none. Therefore, the greatest number of voters for council is 15,670,the least is 11,818. If 3,852 voters chose to leave the council portion of their ballot blank, then Mary Ann Nihart received a vote from about 61 percent of those who voted in the council election. On the other hand, if all 15,670 Pacifica voters voted for at least one council candidate, Nihart received a vote from 46 percent of the voters, which would still be a far cry from the 30.38 percent reported in the news.' (Lou Shapiro)
'NASA officials relieved by urine-to-water processor results.' (The Houston Chronicle ran a story under this headline November 25, but he newspaper got so much flak about it that the editors had to rewrite the headline.)
Awesome photographs of all sort of things, including steam trains:
'People who claim that they are still trying to find themselves just don't like what they are finding.' (Dolores De Cabeza)

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