Developed by renowned studio Sonic Team, the latest installment in the multi-million selling franchise, will take players on an unforgettable high-speed journey around the globe in a way never before experienced in the world of Sonic. Sonic Unleashed is built on a powerful new Hedgehog Engine, shockproof digital camera which introduces seamless 3D to classic 2D camera transitions, slim camera whilst delivering a rich and expansive world with multiple paths to choose from. Under development for three years, the Hedgehog Engine produces a visually rich next generation look and feel with elements of classic Sonic gameplay mechanics. The Hedgehog engine will help re-define the gameplay experience for Sonic fans and newcomers to the franchise alike. In this weeks trailer, Sonic finds himself snaking through the bustling streets of Empire Citywhich some think bears a striking resemblance to New York City.
The all-new next-gen video explores the myriad alleyways and busy streets of one of the most congested cities in the world. Sonic must find a way to navigate the concrete jungle while avoiding a mixture of mechanical monstersnightmarish creatures. HD (1280x720) | SD (640x360)
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