Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hi-tech Cameras In School Cars Blitz

Hi-tech cameras could be used to spy on parents parking illegally when dropping off their children outside school gates in the Black Country.
A Smart car equipped with a digital video camera would record motorists stopping on zig-zags or no-parking zones near schools.
The footage would then be used to prosecute drivers.
Sandwell is set to be the first to use the Big Brother-style technology and water camera then it could be shared with other Black Country authorities in Wolverhampton, WalsallDudley.
Sandwell neighbourhoods chief Councillor Mahboob Hussain insisted the camera car would not be about catching parents out, wide angle camera but would send out the message that illegal parking was being taken seriously.
It is not about issuing tickets but saying to parents there may be someone watching youhe said.
If it means saving one injury then it is worth spending the money.

Read more about technika camera on top sites:


